Water specialist control valve

Certified to
IP55 with Weather Cover

Compatible with the following typical concentrations of regenerants or chemicals
Sodium chloride, potassium chloride, potassium permanganate, sodium bisulfite, chlorine and chloramines

Made in The USA

Models & features


Specification sheet

WS2HF Specification sheet

Features and Benefits

  • Control Valve Flow Rates: Service 165 gpm (624 lpm) (37 m3/h)
    Backwash 175 gpm (662 lpm) (39 m3/h)
  • Epoxy coated lead free brass valve body
  • Fully programmable regeneration cycle times and sequences (maximum 9)
  • Network up to 16 valves using Cat5 cable or better
  • Methods to initiate regeneration: Meter Delayed, Meter Immediate, Time Clock Delay, Auxiliary Input, Modbus Initiated
  • Add up to 2 relay expansion boards to circuit board (sold separately)
  • Top-mount or side-mount capabilities for commercial and industrial applications
  • Programmable System types: Single, Alternating, Progressive Flow, Series
  • Day override feature; 1-28 days or 7 day
  • Blue backlight front display shows: Time and Date, Current Flow Rate, Volume Used, Volume Remaining, Days Remaining
  • Diagnostics and history viewing
  • Modbus RS485 duplex to communicate with building automation systems
  • On-Site circuit board software update capability
  • Reliable and proven DC drive
  • One piece expanding seal spacer stack assembly


Inlet/Outlet Fitting Connections 2” Female NPT or BSPT
Cycles up to 9
Valve Material Lead free brass
Regeneration Downflow
Operating Pressures 20 - 125 psi (1.4 - 8.6 bar)
Operating Temperatures 40º - 110º F (4º - 43º C)
Options Backwash Filter
FLow rates
Service @15 psi drop
125 gpm (473 lpm) (28.4 m3 /h)
Backwash @25 psi drop
125 gpm (473 lpm) (28.4 m3 /h)
Cv Service 32.3
Cv Backwash 25.0
Tank applications
Water Softener 18” - 63" diameter
Water Filter 18” - 48" diameter
Flow Rate Range
Gallon Range
Dimensions & Weight
Distributor Pilot Valve Bodies with 2" Female NPT Inlet & Outlet - 2.375” OD (2" NPS)
Valve Bodies with 2" Female BSPT Inlet & Outlet - 63mm OD
Drain Line 2” Female NPT/BSPT/2.5” Groove Lock
Brine Line
1” Male NPT elbow
¾” x 1” solvent weld elbow
Optional Adapters - 1/2” or 5/8" OD Poly Tube Compression
Mounting Base 4" - 8 UN, 6” Flange or Side Mount
Height From Top Of Tank With 4" - 8 UN QC Base - 11.5” (292mm)
With 6" Flange QC Base - 11.6” (294.6mm)
Weight 50 lbs (22.7 Kg)
Cycles of Operation
Backwash 1st (upflow) 1 - 95
Regenerate Draw/Slow Rinse (downflow) 1-180 / 1-95
Backwash 2nd (upflow)
Fast Rinse (downflow) 1-95
Regenerant Refill
in service with treated water
0.1 - 99
Service (downflow)
Hold (service) 1 - 480
Electrical Specifications
All models excluding WS1.25SD
US Power SupplyInternational Power Supply
Supply Voltage 120VAC240VAC
Supply Frequency 60 Hz60 Hz
Output Voltage 24VDC24VDC
Output Current 800 mA800 mA
Battery Specifications