18×40 Brine Tank blow molded cover

Clack’s 18-inch round brine tanks redefine standards for residential and light commercial use with durable materials, UV inhibitors, and optional grids for optimal performance.

Made in The USA


  • Attractive design to meet customer appeals with four modern stock colors to choose from — almond, blue, black and white. (Custom colors available.)
  • Blow molded from high-density polyethylene to give exceptional environmental stress-crack properties providing years of trouble-free service
  • These tanks can be top loaded on other Clack water treatment components and drinking water systems to substantially reduce total shipping costs
  • All round brine tanks are individually shipped in a durable 150# test reshipper carton
  • Optional injection molded grid promotes uniform brining and reduced salt bridging

Clack’s 18 inch blow molded round brine tanks offer a refreshing look in the residential and light commercial brine tank field. Durable materials and the latest in plastic processing technology provide trouble-free performance. Ultraviolet inhibitors (UVI) are now standard in all tanks except black, which has a natural resistance to the sun’s rays.


Physical properties
Liquid Capacity Empty Brine Tank filled to the top 45 gal.
170 liters.
Salt Capacity Pellet salt 9.93 lbs per gallon volume.

Pellet salt 4.5 Kg per liter volume.
447 lbs.
203 Kg
Diameter 18 1⁄2 in.
47 cm
Height W/Lid 40 3⁄4 in.
104 cm
Shipping Weight 15 lbs.
6.8 Kg
Master Carton 9/1 ft.3/units per

Ordering Information

* = Color code digit A – Almond, B – Blue, C – Black, W – White.

Code* Model
G21840[*]B1C00 18×40 Brine Tank with Blow Molded Cover
G21840[*]G7CWG 18×40 Brine Tank with Black Injection Molded Cover