Certified to
NSF/ANSI Standard 61

Clack Corosex® is a specially processed hard, bead-like magnesia, adapted for use in filters to neutralize acidity by increasing the pH value.

Made in The USA


  • High degree of activity and speed of correction allowing high flow
  • High capacity…less chemical usage

By neutralizing the free carbon dioxide in water, Corosex can correct acidic water conditions and render it less corrosive. Corosex, being a highly reactive magnesium oxide, is used most effectively where pH correction is substantial or high flow conditions are in use. pH correction and media consumption are affected by a number of water chemical variables. Being soluble to acidity, Corosex will slowly dissolve and will need to be replenished periodically.

On a per weight basis, magnesium oxide can neutralize five times more acidity than can calcium carbonate. This results in greatly reduced chemical usage for the same pH correction

Please note; under certain low flow conditions, Corosex may overcorrect and create a highly basic (high pH) condition.

Under certain hardness conditions, pH correction can cause hardness minerals to precipitate out of solution, resulting in cementing or solidification of the Corosex mineral bed. Upflow service is generally recommended with hardness exceeding five grains per gallon. (Always use an in-line filter ahead of an upflow system to prevent plugging of the lower distribution screen.)

As Corosex’s magnesium oxide neutralizes the water, it will increase hardness and a softener may become necessary after the neutralizing filter.
Corosex can be effectively combined with Clack Calcite to combine the high flow neutralization properties of Corosex, along with the slower reacting low flow properties of Calcite, reducing potentially high basic properties due to overcorrection.


Physical properties
Bulk Density 75 lbs./cu. ft.
Apparent Density
Effective Size 1.4 mm
Uniformity Coefficient 1.7
Mesh Size 6 x 16
Acid Solubility
Caustic Solubility
Crystal System
Specific Gravity 3.6 gm/cc
Ash Content
Iodine Number
Moisture as packed
Particle Shape
Composition MgO 97% min.
Screen Grading
Color Brownish white
Conditions for operation
Water pH range 4.5-6.0
Maximum Water Temperature
Dissolved Oxygen Concentration
Bed depth 24-30 in.
Minimum Bed depth
Freeboard 50% of bed depth (min.)
Service flow rate 5-6 gpm/sq. ft. but may be modified to adapt to local conditions
Backwash flow rate 10-12 gpm/sq. ft.
Backwash Backwash frequently to prevent possible cementing
Backwash bed expansion
Air/Water Scour
Raw Water Rinse
Other Downflow service is generally satisfactory on waters with a hardness of less than five grains/gal. or where it’s combined with Calcite at least 50-50. Upflow service is generally recommended with hardness exceeding five grains/gal. to prevent cementing of the Corosex bed
Use distributors designed for upflow applications
A gravel support bed is recommended
Max usage 100 mg/L

Ordering Information

Code Model Cu. Ft./Bag Weight/Cu. Ft.
Lbs (Approximate)
Bags/Pallet Weight/Pallet
Pallet Dimensions
A8011 Corosex® 0,66 (50 lbs.) 75 60 3050 48” x 36” x 50”